Today CEIR in collaboration with Varanasi Sahodaya has organised a webinar on COVID19 Talk Part 2 – School Reopening. Dr. Sanyam Bhardwaj, CBSE Controller of Exams and Padmashri Dr. K K Aggrawal, President of Heart Care Foundation of India, and former IMA President were the distinguished speakers. Dr. K K Aggrawal has spoken in detail on how the schools and the parents should react to COVID. His message was very loud and clear – “Be fearless, take precautions, and have a written policy.” Schools must give first priority to learners’ hygiene and safety.Dr. Sanyam Bhardwaj spoke at length on exams, guidelines, special provisions, social distancing, need to orient teachers and parents, and other precautions in schools. Argued for collaborative decision among all stakeholders on school reopening and functioning during the present COVID crisis. His punching point was ‘Take the current scenario as an opportunity to explore and innovate.’Our heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Bharadwaj Sir & Dr. K K Aggarwal Sir for enlightening us!Video link of the session: