Dear Ma’am/Sir,
Greetings of the day!
CEIR , Global invites all the Principals and Result Committee members of class XII for an Elaborative session & panel discussion about “Proactive Measures Of XII Evaluation “.
Kindly join us to clear your all doubts, queries and understand various ways of Moderation in depth along with Dr. Sanyam Bhardwaj, Controller of Examinations, CBSE !
Date & Time: Thursday,8th July,2021 12 noon to 2.00 PM IST
Install CEIR Global App For
Android Users :
For Apple Users:
Give Organisation Code As: PELIX
Register using your Email/mobile number
We’ll share zoom session details & Youtube Broadcast Link only through CEIR Global App chat
Send your queries and questions in advance to on or before 6th July , 2021 (5.00 PM)
We look forward to your active participation!
Thanks and Regards,